
On Catching Little Foxes…

Finding the bigger picture to lifes little problems

A Hiatus. Return.

It's been a while. A long while: I have things to say, I suppose... I see the world in slow motion- moments happen and I savor them and taste them and give them time. And I wish I could just... Continue Reading →

Coming to the End of Myself.

Somehow my mind always works better in pictures- something tangible I can hold on to- and that's how I've always thought of things. I think in still frame and images- almost like scenes in a movie. Or physical feelings- things... Continue Reading →

Betrayal by a Kiss

As Easter is upon us- I have been reading through different gospels about different aspects of Jesus' ministry- right now I've been primarily in John because that's what the sermon series is going through at Church. It's always so cool... Continue Reading →

Thoughts. It’s been a while.

I took a risk and jumped overboard… And now I’m left in the wake of a devastation that you wrought upon me- Everything is pounding- spinning- shaking, and for the moment I’m in the throes of an ocean I can’t... Continue Reading →

Starting the New Year off Spiritually Weak

Ah, we come to that sweet time of year- a fresh start; trying to remember to write 2018 instead of 2017, kick starting a new work out program or that diet you’ve always said you would do. Or what about... Continue Reading →

Define Normal. 

I've got a lot going on right now- a lot of unknowns, a lot of questions. I know there's a reason for all this.  Lord, use me to glorify you- even amidst storms. This is my heart at the current... Continue Reading →


It's like a breath before the dive It's like the truth after a lie This flight is taking over Searchlights in every corner What does it take to know the heart of God? In daily life, how can I know... Continue Reading →

The Dark Side of Indoor Track Meets (Restlesness)

I've been working on this for a while- this is my heart right now. I guess I need to be okay with not always feeling like I have it together. I listened to this song and it sparked some sort... Continue Reading →


As I navigate through the throes of life, I've realized I have this insatiable itch in the back of my mind. The dull buzzing is constant enough, that no matter how hard I try, I cannot get it to go... Continue Reading →

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